Tuesday 13 September 2016


Society for Environmental Conservation a local NGO working to preserve the natural environment has completed a one day intensive training workshop for some university graduates and Students of the University of liberia who are to benefit from the Entrepreneurial for Opportunity Actualization (EOpAct) an African wide Internship Partnership Project (IPN) funded by USAID through its African Lead II program.  Ghana, South Africa, Liberia, Senegal and Zambia are the beneficiary countries for this project. The project is meant to give internship opportunities to Students studying Agriculture to Develop and equip gradates with workplace skills, knowledge and experience to make them employers or employable, at the same time Develop sustainable internship programmes to exploit employable opportunities for youth and women from various Tertiary institutions. ..
The goal of the project is to increase income and employment in the Horticulture, Livestock and Grains & Legumes value chains through sustainable skills development.
During the workshop the students were thought on ethics at the workplace and what they are expected to do when they are posted to their respective institutions that have signed up to give these students first hand working experience in their field of study to enable them fit into the Agriculture sector.
Currently in Liberia, Society for Environmental Conservation (SEC) has received more than 15 applications mostly from Tertiary graduates to participate in the programme. Similarly, more than 6 firms have also signed onto the internship project. SEC intends to place several interns to various business firms with tremendous feedback on performance.
The EOpAct, is being implemented by the Agribusiness in Sustainable Natural African Plant Products (ASNAPP), is intended to bridge skills-set gap between industry, academia and graduates.

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